Who we are
At Bubishi our Karate classes are based on the traditional Japanese Karate style called Shukokai.
We also offer classes that are aimed at developing groundwork skills and Fighter IQ.
Our Strength and Flexibility Classes are for those that just enjoy improving their fitness.
SHU-KO-KAI means WAY-FOR-ALL and was first developed in 1949 in Japan by Chojiro Tani. Shukokai was later established in Australia by Sensei Alan Murdoch in 1972.
The Hervey Bay dojo was established by Sensei Glen Smith in 1992 and became a full time training facility in 2002. Sensei Glen passed away in 2021 and the training facility is now run by his daughter Sensei Kahlia.
The Shukokai karate dojo and Bubishi Martial Arts training facility are the the Fraser Coast regions longest running full time martial arts facility.
At Bubishi our aim is to develop self respect, self confidence, coordination and fitness in a safe environment; where a major focus is placed on the values of a traditional Japanese Martial Art.
Our Instruction Team
Sensei Kahlia Mitchell - CHIEF INSTRUCTOR
Sensei Kahlia was first introduced to Shukokai Karate as an 18 month old toddler; as she watched from the sidelines whilst her parents and older brother trained. At around 3 years of age she began to participate in the classes run by Sensei Richard Harris at the Isabella Plains dojo in Canberra.
The family relocated to Hervey Bay when Kahlia was almost 6 and her father (Sensei Glen) began teaching Shukokai Karate. The family continued to train together and in 1995 Sensei Kahlia entered her first karate tournament. The thrill of bringing home several medals began a love for competing. Sensei Kahlia has competed at Regional, State and National events for more than 20 years.
In 2008; Sensei Kahlia was selected as a member of the Qld Karate Squad and the Australian Karate team. After relocating to Melbourne she was able to train at the main Honbu of Shukokai Karate Australia with Sensei Ennio Anselmi. The time spent in Melbourne allowed Sensei Kahlia to to further advance her understanding and technical application of Shukokai Karate. After almost 3 years; Sensei Kahlia returned to Hervey Bay and committed herself to assisting with the running of Bubishi Institute of Shukokai Karate.
In 2014 Sensei Kahlia competed in The National All Styles competition , achieving first place in the QLD state titles and then onto the National titles in Melbourne. At the National Titles she was the winner of her weight division and then the winner of the overall “Female Champion of Champions” event. In 2015 and 2019 Sensei Kahlia repeated these victories and was again awarded the Champion of Champions trophy.
Although Sensei Kahlia enjoys the challenge of competition; it is not the overall focus of her Karate throughout the years. Her biggest enjoyment comes from the personal development and growth in confidence that the varying aspects of Karate bring to everyday life and sharing that potential with others.
Sensei Alex has been training with Bubishi Martial Arts since the age of 3 yrs and achieved his 1st Dan in 2021.
A long-term commitment to training has allowed Sensei Alex to develop a strong skill set and he is eager to help others enjoy and learn.
Sensei Alex has competed in the areas of Kata, Kumite/Sparring and weaponry for a number of years at both State and National level.
Meet some of the rest of the team ....
Bailey Curd
Sub Instructor
Stirling Bayliss
Sub Instructor
Brock Bayliss
Sub Instructor
Julie - ann Newman
Sub Instructor
Merinda Folkard
Sub Instructor
Linda Applebee